Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Arizona has been full of experienes...but I can definitely say that I wasn't expecting this one. So one of the other interns and I decided that we needed to go to Wal-Mart, it was a normal trip and was sunny and partly cloudy when we big deal. We pull into the parking lot and I see a big cloud off in the distance...and I  commented "I think a storm is moving in"...but it was more than moving was quickly approaching us! As we got out of the car and were walking into Wal-Mart we got blasted in the face with sand/dirt and things were literally blowing over in the parking lot. So we quickly got into the store, but we were followed by a lot of sand/dirt that filled the air in the store. I thought it was pretty cool! I can now say I kind of got stuck in a Wal-Mart in a SANDSTORM! One of the other interns lives on the Polytechnic campus and he was able to take a few pictures of what it looked like approaching his building!
As you can see...this cloud was no joke!
Everything was about to be engulfed in sand!
This is what it looked like all around!
The storm lasted for probably about an hour and driving back to our building it caused electricity to go out so there was no streetlights or stoplights, so it was an interesting drive back to campus. This was an experience I just had to share!


  1. I read about this and wondered if you got to see it! I guess you did; did you feel like you were in some weird sci-fi movie about to be engulfed by the sand and the demons within it?? That's how I think I would feel. ok, bye.

  2. Just heard you may have got hit a second time this week. Yikes! Very cool to watch from a distance, but I wouldn't want to be in the middle of it!
